Writing is what I do. It's why I did well professionally in corporate law and in tech strategy. It's why I could grow a readership of 35,000 curious minds at theknowledge.io in my spare time. I also happen to be an award-winning fiction writer. I write fiction and non-fiction, long form and short form. I write when I wake up, before I sleep, and most of the day. It's just what I do—what I can't stop doing.

I write because I'm good at it, because it's fun, because I am in love with the craft and improving my grasp of it. I write because it helps me communicate complex ideas, emotions, and implant thoughts in the minds of people I'll never meet.

Writing is one of the oldest human technologies. It shapes our beliefs and values. It's the medium through which we interface with reality. It helps us time travel and discover the best of old ideas. It's the force which ignites our imagination and propels us to brighter futures. Writing is a precious magic—something to be preserved and cultivated.

My only goal in life is to write faster than Salamanders can burn.

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