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🧭Should I Stop Pursuing My Doctorate? (Wayfinder #7)

Welcome to the seventh issue of Wayfinder. Wayfinder is about learning to navigate life’s toughest decisions. The choices that keep you awake at night. The decisions that have you second-guessing yourself. The moments when the stakes are high and the path isn’t clear. Wayfinder is designed to guide...

Put a Pin in it: How to Future-Proof Your Career

In the 1920s, every bowling alley hired young boys to reset the pins and return balls while people were playing. Bowling was becoming incredibly popular, but in order for people to keep playing, someone had to be down at the end of the lane risking their shins and fingers to...

Become a Venture Capitalist in Your Life

I'm borrowing a great framework from @dvassallo: "Become a VC for your own ideas. Treat your ideas like cattle, not like pets." 🤯 Here's what it means for me: In venture capital, the aim of the game is to build a fund that invests in...

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