David Elikwu

David Elikwu

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The Vital Few: How to do more with less

Imagine you're a soldier in mediaeval times. You have the choice of bringing one of five swords into battle with you. Which one would you choose? Most likely, you'd choose the sword that was the sharpest, the strongest, and the most reliable. You wouldn't...

Making the Black Mamba

Kobe Bryant was one of the greatest players in basketball history. In a 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers, he won five championships, led the league in scoring twice, scored the second-highest number of points in a single game in NBA history (81), and won two Olympic gold medals....

Make it look easy

Ernest Hemingway once said that the dignity of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. It’s a good reminder that there is always more to things than what we see on the surface. This is especially true when it comes to talent and success....

Drilling for Luck

I’m not sure if you believe in miracles, luck, or serendipity, but all three of them struck one Sunday in a tiny Nebraska church in 1950. It's a cold March in Nebraska. We're at the West Side Baptist Church. Choir practice starts at 7:15....

The art of being scrappy

When I was 11, I was a naughty boy stealing sweets. By 14, I was importing phones wholesale from China. Here’s the story: As a kid, most of my methods of making money involved getting into trouble. Then one day, the caveman discovered fire. My school got some computers,...

🎙️ Conversation, Curiosity, and Connection with Joe Ferraro

David speaks with Joe Ferraro, a teacher, professional speaker, and the host of The One Percent Better Podcast, where he’s interviewed some of the world's most successful people. He is also the founder of DamnGoodConversations.com, a company whose mission is to teach repeatable ways to have...

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