David Elikwu

David Elikwu

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The Power of Status Quo: Why We Cling to Familiarity

Have you ever stopped to consider the power of the status quo? It's easy to think of it as a passive force, something that simply exists without our intervention. But the truth is, maintaining the status quo requires active effort. Culture and tradition don't persist on...

🧭 How to Balance Passion and Profit? (Wayfinder #1)

Welcome to the first issue of the Wayfinder series, a brand-new addition to The Knowledge newsletter. Wayfinder is about learning to navigate life’s toughest decisions. The choices that keep you awake at night. The decisions that have you second-guessing yourself. The moments when the stakes are high and the...

Finding Motivation in the Face of Adversity

As an astronaut, Chris Hadfield knows firsthand that the journey to space is a long and unpredictable one. But most of an astronaut's journey isn't spent among the stars. During his twenty-one-year career as an astronaut, Hadfield spent just six months in space. Fortunately, according to...

Transform Your Outcomes by Reframing Your Perception

I hate being sick. When you're feeling under the weather, the last thing you want is to be kept awake by a hacking cough or a stuffy nose. That's when you might reach for a product called Night Nurse, otherwise known as NyQuil. This over-the-counter medication...

The problem with hard work

I think hard work gets a bad rap. It’s frequently misunderstood. You're usually confronted by the rise and grind fanatics who scream that we all have the same 24 hours and you’re just a lazy bum with foolish dreams and, quite frankly, you suck. The hustle...

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