When I was 21 I remember feeling ahead for my age. But when I was 19 I felt woefully behind. I felt so behind that I dropped out of college and got a job working in China.

When I tell people my age now, I often still get looks of surprise, which tells me I’m on the right track, and also reminds me I should probably start using SPF. Maybe I'm doing okay.

The point is that 'ahead/behind' is a misleading paradigm. When I look at some kids today they seem crazy smart. The young startup founders at this ​Michigan pitch day​ blew my mind.

But watching prodigious teens and incredibly competent students just reminds me that there are several degrees of stupid. Never get ahead of your skis because you think you're doing well - and don't get disillusioned because you think others are ​outpacing​ you.

There’s a throwaway line from a ​video game​ I played as a kid that has been stuck in my head for about 20 years:

“Remember, there is always someone better.”

When you get overconfident is when you are most vulnerable. All you can do is keep your head straight and stay in the race. Don't let the race others are running distract you.

Don't take your foot off the gas while you’re ahead, unless you’re ready to cash in your chips. A narrow lead can be lost in a flash.

One of the hardest things to deal with in finding long-term success is oscillation.

Don't get complacent when you feel far ahead. Don't get disillusioned when progress stalls. Just do the work until you find work you love and try to find comfort and happiness at every level.

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