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The Knowledge
David Elikwu
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🎙️Fear, Money, and Happiness with Khe Hy

David speaks with Khe Hy, the Founder and CEO of RadReads, an online education company that helps professionals lead productive, examined, and joyful lives. Khe is the creator of the $10K Work productivity method and teaches the popular cohort-based course Supercharge Your Productivity. They talked about: 🚀 Overcoming a scarcity mindset...

The 80/20 Rule: More Results, Less Effort (Wayfinder #8)

Welcome to the eighth issue of Wayfinder, your fortnightly compass for navigating life’s toughest decisions. We'll be trying out a slightly different format for Wayfinder - shorter, denser, but equally actionable. Every fortnight I'll share a framework or mental model you can use to squash...

🎙️From Nation-States to Network States with Lauren Razavi

David speaks with Lauren Razavi, Director of Special Projects at SafetyWing, overseeing the Plumia mission to construct a virtual nation on the internet. Lauren is also the author of "Global Natives: How Digital Nomads Will Shape the Future of Work, Travel, Innovation, & Migration," a book that explores...

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