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The Knowledge
David Elikwu
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🎙️Building World-Class Athletes with Jamie Smith

David speaks with Jamie Smith, founder and Head Sports Preparation coach of The U of Strength. They talked about: 🌦️ Impact of Climate on Sports Performance 🌍 Environment’s effects on athlete development 🤸 Effects of early sports specialisation 🤕 Dealing with injuries and burnout in sports 🏀 Coaching and mindset in sports 🧠 How the...

🎙️ Skill stacks and career evolution with Taylor Pearson

David speaks with Taylor Pearson, an entrepreneur and author of The End of Jobs. They talked about: 🚀 Deciding not to pursue law ⚠️ The trap of traditional career paths 🤐 The silent risk of staying in a job too long 📊 The concept of a personal balance sheet 🌍 Experiencing different cultures 🌱 How living...

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