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🎙Chasing your vibe with Richie Brave

David Elikwu speaks with Richie Brave, a Broadcaster at BBC Radio 1xtra and Head of Diversity for a Publishing Company. Richie dug into his background growing up in London, and how he was able to craft his own career, defining success on his terms to build a life that suits...

The Mirroring Effect: The magic behind Isopraxism

Isopraxism is a pretty amazing phenomenon. Also known as "mirroring" (and “limbic synchrony” when in reference to body movements), isopraxism is when two individuals unconsciously match each other's body language and movements. This is frequently done without the first person realising they are replicating the movements...

False Reality, False Comparison

If you're sucked into the NFT world you grossly overestimate how many people are active participants in the market - not just the crowd on the sidelines. Stories get covered in a way that spins up hysteria but the underlying truth is often mundane. Only c.2.5k...

🎙Leveraging tiny teams with Christine Carrillo

David Elikwu speaks with Christine Carrillo, an Executive Coach for Early Stage CEOs, Founder of The 20-Hour CEO Over the last decade, she built and led three companies that have generated $200M in revenue. She experienced everything from bootstrapping a business to $25M to building a hyper-growth VC-backed company to...

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