David Elikwu

David Elikwu

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How to revolutionise an industry

Henry Ford was a man who refused to be held back by naysayers and the status quo. In 1891, at just 28 years old, Ford began working as an engineer at The Edison Company. But while he spent his days clocking in at a regular job, his nights and weekends...

Make more things

Rick Rubin is a music producer who has made a name for himself by working with some of the biggest names in the industry. From Johnny Cash to Adele to Kendrick Lamar, Rubin has proven time and time again that he knows how to bring out the best in an...

Cancer research and infinite monkeys

As humans, we're constantly trying to optimise for success and make the most of our time. But have you ever stopped to consider the role that time itself plays in our actions and decisions? I’d propose two types of time to consider: 1. Finite time, which is...

Why we copy

Ever notice how you slowly start talking and acting more like the people you spend the most time with? This phenomenon, known as "behavioural contagion,” can shape our actions and habits in powerful ways. But why do we feel the urge to copy others? One theory is the chameleon...

The sweet dream behind NyQuil

I hate being sick. When you're feeling under the weather, the last thing you want is to be kept awake by a hacking cough or a stuffy nose. That's when you might reach for a product called Night Nurse, otherwise known as NyQuil. This over-the-counter medication...

The journey is the reward

As an astronaut, Chris Hadfield knows firsthand that the journey to space is a long and unpredictable one. But most of an astronaut's journey isn't spent among the stars. During his twenty-one year career as an astronaut, Hadfield spent just six months in space. Fortunately, according...

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