David Elikwu

David Elikwu

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How To Change the World by Simply Existing

Everyone you have heard of, seen, or encountered was a data point that shaped your understanding of the world. They taught you about the possible states of human existence. The homeless man on the street, the waiter in the restaurant, the celebrity on television, and the athlete in the stadium....

Play Asymmetric Games

Linear games get linear results. In order to win a linear game, you need to move the needle. You must increase your input for your output to change. Earning money is a linear game. You need to work to earn every additional dollar. Making money, however, is different. When you...

Become a Venture Capitalist in Your Life

I'm borrowing a great framework from @dvassallo: "Become a VC for your own ideas. Treat your ideas like cattle, not like pets." 🤯 Here's what it means for me: In venture capital, the aim of the game is to build a fund that invests in...

Using the Power of Old Ideas to Make New Discoveries

Everyone wants to be first. Our competitive and status-seeking nature drives us to chase the novel. We want new experiences. We want to make fresh discoveries. When it comes to learning, despite being frequently frustrated at how little we know, it is important to remember that there is no expectation...

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