David Elikwu

David Elikwu

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Building better gardens

Every productivity system has legions of wounded adventurers who dived headlong into its waters only to find themselves overwhelmed and burnt out. I’m not sure if the simplest summary is that different things work for different people, or that everything ceases to work for anyone when used the wrong...

Why Writing Fiction is Hard

I don't have any moral judgement on whether it is better to read fiction or non-fiction. But here's what I know - fiction is harder to write. Why? It contains more layers of truth. When you read something worth recommending to others, it's either:...

🧭 How can I make the most of my time? (Wayfinder #4)

Welcome to the fourth issue of the Wayfinder series. Wayfinder is about learning to navigate life’s toughest decisions. The choices that keep you awake at night. The decisions that have you second-guessing yourself. The moments when the stakes are high and the path isn’t clear. Wayfinder is designed...

🧭How do I align my work with my values? (Wayfinder #3)

Welcome to the third issue of the Wayfinder series. Wayfinder is about learning to navigate life’s toughest decisions. The choices that keep you awake at night. The decisions that have you second-guessing yourself. The moments when the stakes are high and the path isn’t clear. Wayfinder is designed...

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