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David Elikwu

The 5 Great Sales Frameworks

I've sold thousands of products in the last decade. I've sold physical goods, digital ones, door-to-door, DTC, B2B, and everything. Here's a foolproof sales framework I borrowed from @theChrisDo: 1. Serve You need to hold the needs of your customer above your own. Don&...

The Knowledge

7 Reasons Why Business Execution Is Like Baking a Cake

Developing a bias towards action turned me from an occasional ideator to a consistent executor. It turns out executing in business is a lot like baking a cake 🎂 Here are 7 reasons Why: 1. Imagining a cake doesn’t mean you can make it We all have that friend who...

David Elikwu

The Market for Great Things

I woke up at 04:30 and wrote a beautiful newsletter. Every word shone as though inspired by some higher power. It was immaculate. And then, for no reason at all, it disappeared. All my hard work was gone in a puff of smoke. And there's no great...

The Knowledge

Things You Don’t Know About Vincent Van Gogh

If you copy ideas from one person it’s a forgery. If you copy from six you’re Van Gough. That’s how you begin building a personal monopoly. Most people know of Vincent Van Gogh as a great painter. Here's what you don't know about...

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