Mental Models

Mental Models95

We use mental models as simplified representations of how things work. We can't store all of the information we encounter in our heads, so mental models are used to break complex ideas into manageable parts.

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The Abilene Paradox: Explained

β€œThere is a lot of pretending going on. Everyone believes everyone else is better off than they are, and so everyone acts as though they are better off than they are. Everyone ends up spending more than they should because we are all comparing ourselves to the spectre of false...

Bayesian Thinking: A Primer

In the 17th century, mathematician and philosopher Thomas Bayes developed a way of thinking that has been both misunderstood and misused for centuries. In this article, we will explore what Bayesian thinking is, why it’s so powerful, how it can be used to make better decisions and understand the...

The Problem With Motivation

If everything you do depends on waiting until you're in the right mood, you'll get stuck in a negative feedback loop. The second problem with motivation is that it will always need refreshing. Without the added fear of approaching deadlines, motivation alone is rarely enough to...

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