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Mistakes can change the world

Have you ever thought about how expensive your failures are? Not just in financial terms, but in time, energy, and morale. What if, instead of dreading these setbacks, you could turn them into your greatest assets? In Ancient Rome, there was a saying, “Errare humanum est” – to err is human....

Strategy before tactics

Do you remember the old children's game 'Simon Says'? Following the leader’s exact moves can be fun, but the game works because you're fully aware that your interests are not aligned with theirs. You know you have to pay attention because the instructions...

A series of fortunate events

How to not suck at setting goals I’m going to be honest with you. I used to suck at setting goals. And I’m not alone - most people do. I don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions. Make your resolution today - whatever day it is....

The Power of Discipline

Discipline draws a line in the sand between what you need to do, and how you feel about doing it. Discipline does what must be done, and the successful completion of a task usually brings about the same rush of endorphins that chronic procrastinators believe is necessary to even begin...

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