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Maximizing the Power of Leverage

In the business world, there are many people who have a lot of money. They can make investments and accumulate wealth, but good opportunities aren't always obvious, or easy to come across. Sometimes you may not have the funds to buy into a great opportunity. And at others,...

Choice Overload

You have a lot of options. You have more options than you think, and possibly more than you need. "The explosion of available goods has only made time feel more crunched, as the struggle to choose what to buy or watch or eat or do raises the opportunity cost...

Working Hard But Hardly Working

I’ve been struck by the paradox that many of us feel busy —as busy as we’ve ever been—but technically humans are the least busy they’ve been in centuries. What has actually changed is the number of choices available to us. In a previous life you might...

Start With What

Motivation gets you up every morning. Inertia keeps you going. Motivation isn't tangible in the way that discipline is. That's why it can often feel fleeting and difficult to harness. Motivation is best understood as an emotion - but worse than that, it's an...

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