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Much ado about Gamestop

Here are the key points. 1.#WallStreetBets rallied the troops (initially based on sound intel) A Reddit group called #WallStreetBets had been obsessed with Gamestop for several months, feeling the company was unfairly undervalued. There were plenty of good reasons for this sentiment and so the velocity of their trades...

Balance is an Illusion

📣Grab my life wheel template here If you put your leg in the air and stand on one foot are you balanced are you balancing? The answer is the latter—yet in our daily lives we still seek the nirvana of perfect homeostasis The perfect, constant work/life balance doesn’...

How to Find (and beat) Your Final Boss

Sometimes our goals help us lie to ourselves. We say we want one thing but really we want another. As a result, every time you think you've beaten a level of the game you may suddenly find yourself facing a 'final boss' that you weren'...

Finding an extra 30%

I was listening to an interview recently with Michael Phelps - one of the greatest swimmers in human history. He shared something that stuck with me. When you need to perform at such a high level - among the best of the best, you can’t let a single rep...

You Will Never Have More Time

This is it. Peak time. Maximum time. You have, right at this very second, more time than you will ever have again in your life. And you will never find more of it. All you can do, is use it wisely. You have to live on this 24 hours of...

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