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Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): What They Are and How to Buy Them

“NFTs are risky because their future is uncertain, and we don’t yet have a lot of history to judge their performance.” Non-Fungible Tokens: What They Are and How to Buy Them There are many different types of tokens in the blockchain world. However, there is one type that stands...

The Abilene Paradox: Explained

“There is a lot of pretending going on. Everyone believes everyone else is better off than they are, and so everyone acts as though they are better off than they are. Everyone ends up spending more than they should because we are all comparing ourselves to the spectre of false...

Bayesian Thinking: A Primer

In the 17th century, mathematician and philosopher Thomas Bayes developed a way of thinking that has been both misunderstood and misused for centuries. In this article, we will explore what Bayesian thinking is, why it’s so powerful, how it can be used to make better decisions and understand the...

The End-of-History Illusion: Explained

Our brains are highly resistant to change and have a hard time predicting the breadth of future possibilities even when we know how much things have changed in the past. The End of History Illusion is a psychological phenomenon that references our static self-images, and our inability to predict how...

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