The Knowledge

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🎙️Ergodicity and Decision-making with Luca Dellanna

David speaks with Luca Dellanna, a management advisor and author. Luca is the author of multiple books, including "Ergodicity" and "Best Practices for Operational Excellence". His work emphasizes the importance of understanding risk, maximizing longevity, and making high-quality decisions in various domains. They talked about: 💡 The...

🎙️ Rigorous Thinking and Online Education with Wes Kao

David speaks with Wes Kao, Co-founder of Maven, which is a platform for live cohort-based courses. Wes Kao is a renowned entrepreneur, strategist, and educator known for her expertise in online learning, content creation, and digital marketing. They talked about: * Refining a spiky point of view in a noisy online...

The Fine Balance between Short-Term & Long-Term Planning

As humans, we're constantly trying to optimise for success and make the most of our time. But have you ever stopped to consider the role that time itself plays in our actions and decisions? I’d propose two types of time to consider: 1. Finite time, which is...

🎙️ Self-actualisation and Slow living with Kyle Kowalski

David speaks with Kyle Kowalski, a thoughtful entrepreneur, adult learner, and proponent of slow living. Kyle describes himself as a synthesiser and solopreneur so we got to unpack what that means. This was a very introspective episode. They talked about: * The philosophy of slow living and how it can influence...

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