David Elikwu

David Elikwu

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The Dignity of Success: How to Build Your Own Iceberg

Ernest Hemingway once said that the dignity of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. It’s a good reminder that there is always more to things than what we see on the surface. This is especially true when it comes to talent and success....

The Realities of Hedonistic Adaptation: When the Thrill is Gone

In the early days of a relationship or career, excitement is often high. You're experiencing new things, achieving new goals, and everything feels fresh and thrilling. But before the honeymoon phase fades, it's important to ask yourself: will you still be happy with the person or...

How Rick Rubin Unlocks Creative Potential

Rick Rubin is a music producer who has made a name for himself by working with some of the biggest names in the industry. From Johnny Cash to Adele to Kendrick Lamar, Rubin has proven time and time again that he knows how to bring out the best in an...

Making Smarter Decisions: Recognizing Our Mind's Tricks

The human brain can occasionally be a little too powerful. We often think we're in the driver's seat, making conscious decisions about our actions and beliefs. The truth is that our conscious mind is often just a bystander, hastily constructing post-rationalizations to make ourselves feel like...

Less is More: The Power of Simplicity

The Sony Walkman was a game-changer when it hit the market in 1979. It was the world's first portable tape player, allowing people to listen to music on the go. But before it even launched, it sparked controversy. It had no recording function. It may be hard to...

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