Make room for gratitude

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus believed that cultivating gratitude was key to living a fulfilling life. He famously said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." And it turns out that Epicurus was onto something.

Scientific research has consistently shown that practising gratitude on a regular basis has a number of benefits for our well-being. It can increase happiness and productivity, as well as improve physical health. In one study, people who regularly practiced gratitude reported higher levels of positive emotions, felt more connected to others, and were more likely to help others.

But the benefits of gratitude go beyond just individual happiness. It can also help to strengthen relationships with loved ones and open up new opportunities.

When we express our appreciation to others, we not only acknowledge their value, but also strengthen the bond between us.

Research has shown that couples who regularly practice gratitude towards one another have stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

So, how can you start incorporating gratitude into your daily life? It doesn't have to be a major undertaking – even a simple practice like writing down one thing you're grateful for each day can make a big difference. In fact, studies have shown that keeping a gratitude journal can lead to increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction with life.

Gratitude isn't a passive state, it's a skill. The more you practice, the better you get.

There’s a great psychological hack that gratitude unlocks. It’s the power of attention. The more you train yourself to recall things you’re grateful for, the more you’ll naturally notice things to be grateful for, until you’re able to see something positive in all of life’s dark moments.

This idea of focusing on the things we're grateful for to improve our well-being and open up new opportunities is also a key tenet of stoic philosophy. The stoics believed that by training ourselves to focus on what we can control and be grateful for what we have, rather than dwelling on what we lack, we can lead a more content and fulfilling life.

Sharpen your ​attention​. Cultivate ​gratitude​. Make it a ​practice​.